! Without a column

“I’m afraid people, because I think that they all hate me”

I am constantly in tension: I always think that everyone hate me, that I am disgusting to everyone, that everyone thinks about what I am wretched. I can’t relax, I can’t leave the house. It is difficult for me to work and study because of this, and mistakes to make is death for me generally.

Amina, how did it all start? You did not immediately find yourself in such a position when you had to close from everyone and be afraid of all.

If you really cannot leave the house, then it is better to seek the professional help of a psychiatrist, since the symptoms that you describe


resemble those that occur with serious mental health disorders.

WHO (World Health Organization) claims that mental health is the ability to adapt to changes. If you can’t calmly move through the streets because of fear that everyone hate you, then this is an excessive reaction.

If you left home, and a crowd of angry people immediately gathered around you who would start to scold you, insult and poke a finger at you, then it would be a good reason for everyone to be afraid and sitting at home in safe.

I do not think that this is what happens to you when you decide to take a walk or go on business. Most likely, these are your thoughts that more and more prevent you from living normally.

Our perception of reality is extremely subjective: if we have ideas, we will confirm them with facts. So the psyche is arranged.

It is important to develop the ability to critically evaluate your own thoughts in order not to be in a position where “everyone” hate us

You repeated this pronoun many times – this is called generalization and hyperbolization. Who is it – “all”?

And why are you scaring mistakes? What does it mean that “this is generally death”? It is difficult to imagine a person who can live his life without making mistakes. When we are mistaken, we learn. When we learn, we comprehend ourselves and the world around us. Denying mistakes, you deny life itself. Think about it.

You should seriously revise the principles on which your worldview is now built – they lead you to isolation and suffering. You need to understand what brought you here, and find another path where you accept yourself even when you are mistaken. Where you do not enmity with the whole world, but you know how to build relationships with it and live in harmony.

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